Shinobi: Kurokakumei
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Post  Zetsumei Seikirai Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:40 pm

Alright, guys don't get hasty with your profiles! If you don't know what to do don't jump on the band wagon. Ask questions, because you all are here to set examples for others. If you guys are already breaking rules then there are definitely problems with what is being done here.

1. Everyone is starting out as academy students. That includes the admin, the kage, and the ANBU. You will earn your ranks on this site, you do not get to claim them, as of yet no one is anything above a student. Thus there are no Genin or Chuunin.

2. Kage and ANBU as of this time are only representations of the status of posters. This does not as of yet represent the rank of characters; but it will later once the game gets rolling, that is. There is always a chance though that not even that will be set in stone. A game is a game, and if a better role player comes around, quality first. >.> (feels like such a meanie)

3. If youa re going to post a custom Jutsu or anything of the like, make sure that they are detailed. I am not saying a step by step run though, but if ya'll could attempt something with a bit more depth to it i would be more inclined to accept more jutsus.

Alrighty guys that is all that i have on the instructions side but i do have more to say.

As things pertain to new members at this time: we are exactly welcoming them in bundles. This site is not near ready for play yet, so brining in new people to play a half finished game really makes no sense. SO spread the word about this place but we are going to have to wait to allow more players that are not on staff. Okay? ^_^ I am just posting this because i have been getting alot of such requests as of late, and although i am not going to deny someone entry into the site, i really don't think its appropriate just now.

Alright, just now, i am a bit bogged by school, but i am getting done what i am able to, and Kaizen is definitely holding his own around here. This weekend, though, should be a time when we can really hack through a larger number of the "to do's" on the list. There is no real, concrete plan for the what is going to be worked on first, but there is a method to my madness i promise. Bare with us. ^_^
Zetsumei Seikirai
Zetsumei Seikirai
Academy Student
Academy Student

Female Number of posts : 51
Age : 32
Location : Everywhere
Registration date : 2009-01-09

Character sheet
Character Name: Seikirai
Rank: Academy Student
Jutsu Training Points: 0

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