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Jutsu-preexisting-Genjutsu Empty Jutsu-preexisting-Genjutsu

Post  Hansoui Shinto Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:37 pm

Genjutsu (Illusion techniques)
Genjutsu techniques are the illusion techniques of a ninja, they normally require hand seals. Genjutsu will use hypnotism to cause hallucinations in others. By causing such illusions they can cause their target mental pain and suffering just as real as physical hurt. Genjutsu is created when a ninja extends their chakra flow through the cerebral nervous system of their opponent to control their minds chakra, thereby affecting their five senses.

To combat the effects of Genjutsu, there are two options. The first option is for the ninja to stop the flow of chakra in their body, and then apply an even stronger power to disrupt the flow of the casters chakra. The second option is to have an outside ninja unaffected by the Genjutsu make body contact, and use their chakra to disrupt the casters flow.
E-Rank Genjutsu

Name: Kai – Release
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: E
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: Equal to the Genjutsu Dispelled
Range: Anywhere within range of the active genjutsu

Description: After forming the needed hand seals, the Genjutsu technique will not affect the ninja.
The ninja releases a large amount of chakra then quickly haults it. The Genjutsu is usualy dispelled after that, depending on how strong the skill is.
The ninja can also use the technique on another individual who was unable to avoid the attack. After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja touches the one affected to end the affect of the spell.
Weaknesses: Must be close or higher in Genjutsu Ability to the opponent to succeed.

D-Rank Genjutsu

Name: Kahen Tonsou no Jutsu – Flower Petal Escape Technique
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary Modifier
Chakra: 5
Range: Close (0-5m)
Description: If the user comes under attack, they can use this technique to cover their escape. After forming the needed hand seals, the user’s body will appear to disperse into a shower of flower petals. These petals will confuse and distract the opponent while they escape or hide. Other variations of this technique use other mediums besides flowers as a distraction.
Weaknesses: This technique only provides a distraction, it can last as long as a minute. Those who are not fleet of foot will not escape far

Name: Kasumi Juusha no Jutsu - Mist Servant Technique
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 7 Per minute
Range: Close (0-5m), Mid (5-10m)

Description: Kasumi Juusha no Jutsu is a Genjutsu technique that creates false attackers to delay and confuse the enemy. Though these servants are not real, the actual ninja is able to remain hidden and throw kunai and shuriken matching the movements of the servants. This makes it appear the false servants are capable of attacking. When the enemy attempts to attack the servant, they will merely disrupt the servant’s illusion body, usually causing them to multiply.
Weaknesses: Once the victim realizes the servants are only illusionary, this technique becomes less effective
Limit: Must have a moderate level of Chakra control

Name: Magen • Narakumi no Jutsu - Demonic Illusion • Hell Viewing
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 7
Range: Close (0-5m)

Description: Narakumi no Jutsu is a Genjutsu technique that causes its target to see a horrifying vision. The ninja will use the serpent hand seal to cause a circle of leaves (or another medium) to spin and envelop the target and then fall away. Once cast, the world will appear normal to the target until they see the illusion, playing on that target’s worst fears. The effects of the technique could debilitate a person for some time.
Weaknesses: The effectiveness of this technique depends on the character of the victim, if they are strong of mind then they will suffer minimal effects

C-Rank Genjutsu

Name: Kokohi no Jutsu - False Place Technique
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 50 Per 5 minutes
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)

Description: Kokohi no Jutsu is a simple Genjutsu technique which changes the appearance of a nearby object. It operates somewhat in the same way as Henge no Jutsu except for not actually changing the shape but only the way the object appears to others.
Weaknesses: if someone with a mind much sharper than the user’s scrutinizes the object closely enough they can see through the illusion
Limit: Must have a good level of Chakra control

Name: Kori Shinchuu no Jutsu - Sly Mind Affect Technique
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 70
Range: Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)

Description: Kori Shinchuu no Jutsu is a Genjutsu technique which causes the target to travel around in circles. It is the ability to create an endless path. The illusion is cast over a medium to large area and any humans who wander into it will be caused to travel in circle without knowing its the same path.
If the ninja is unable to detect the illusion very quickly, they can become exhausted mentally and physically when they are unable to reach their desired target by traveling along the same path over and over.
Weaknesses: The technique does not affect animals or insects
Limit: Must have a moderate level of Chakra control

Name: Magen • Jigoku Gouka no Jutsu - Demonic Illusion • Hell Fire Technique
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 60
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)

Description: Jigoku Gouka no Jutsu is a Genjutsu technique that causes its target to see a vision of fire. After the user forms the needed handseals, a huge ball of fire will descend from the sky to envelope his target. The victims of the genjutsu will believe they are being engulfed by a torrent of fire and flee their location for safety.
Weaknesses:The Fire is by no means real and will not harm anyone.
Limit: Must have a good level of Chakra control

Name: Utakata - Ephemeral
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 70
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)

Description: Utakata is an advanced Genjutsu technique that requires a user with a high mental ability. This technique is similar to Magen • Narakumi no Jutsu only the user is able to cast the Genjutsu by making one subtle movement of his body that draws the targets attention. This could vary from moving a finger, a palm, a foot or a lip. The only requirement is that the movement is directed towards the target and that the target looks at it. Once inside the illusion, the user can control the visions the ninja sees. This illusion can also be used to play on the fears of the target, causing them to see and hear those who they care about degrade them.
Weaknesses: requires the user to exert a focus equal to just over half the amount of Chakra level required
Limit: Must have a high level of Chakra Control

B-Rank Genjutsu

Name: Jubaku Satsu - Tree Binding Death
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 150
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)

Description: Jubaku Satsu is a Genjutsu technique aimed for quick assassination. After forming the needed hand seals, the user will disappear and approach the target. Once near their target, a tree will grow at their feet and its branches will bind them so they can no longer move. Once the illusion makes them believe they are captured, the user will appear from the tree itself and attack their target. The Genjutsu ends it's effect after the user hits the target. Even if the target realises it is a Genjutsu they won't be able to do anything about it or to move away without use of Jutsu or other means of escaping.
Weaknesses: With the use of a more powerful Jutsu and a high Chakra control, this technique is reversable
Limit: Must have a high level of chakra control

Name: Nentou Shinmon no Jutsu - Mind Interrogation Technique
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 100 Per minute
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)

Description: Nentou Shinmon no Jutsu is an advanced Genjutsu that numbs the target's mind and attempts to disrupt their pattern of thought. The Genjutsu will hunt for certain information inside the target's mind and will try and force the target to speak the answers to the given questions by sending the user’s chakra into the target’s mind. Only a person with a strong will can withstand giving answers. Giving false answers under this Jutsu is impossible. The target can either use all their willpower to keep silent or speak the truth as they know it. The success of this skill will depend on the difference between the user’s chakra control and the targets spirit as well as the personality and characteristics of the victim trapped in the Genjutsu.
Weaknesses: requires the victim to be restrained or incapacitated and requires physical contact
Limit: Must have a high level of chakra control

Name: Mateki • Mugen Onsa - Demon Flute • Illusion Tune Chains
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 100 Per Minute
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)

Description:Mateki • Mugen Onsa is an advanced Genjutsu activated through sound. When the user plays a certain required tune for this illusion, the opponent's mind enters a barren wasteland. While in this illusion the victim feels retrained by chains which bind them as their skin and muscle begins to melt off their bones. Because they feel restrained in the illusion, they are retrained in real life as well. This Genjutsu requires the user to keep performing the tune in order to keep the Jutsu active. If the target manages to cause themselves real physical pain, that can be able to stop the effects of the Genjutsu.
Weaknesses: If the target cannot hear the tune, then the Jutsu is ineffective
Limit: The user must keep performing the tune. Must have a high level of Chakra control

Name: Supekutoru Dekisui - Spectral Drowning
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 125 Per minute
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)

Description: Using the Supekutoru Dekisui the user will envelope the target in total darkness taking away their ability to see their original surroundings. The target will then see images of a large spectral dragon that will bind the target down and begin choking it. In reality however the user will be the one choking the target reducing their ability to breathe significantly. This Genjutsu will be dispelled if the user decides to attack instead of simply choking their target. Choking the target however will make it difficult for the target to use means to escape the illusion and thus is usually the safer way for the user.
Weaknesses: The User must be directly in front of the victim in order to choke them
Limit: Must have a high level of chakra control

A-Rank Genjutsu

Name: Kokuangyou no Jutsu - Journey into Black Darkness Technique
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 200 Per Minute
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)

Description: Kokuangyou no Jutsu is a Genjutsu technique which causes the user's opponent to be enveloped in total darkness. While in the black void, the victim will be unable to see any incoming attack or threat.
Limit: Must have a Very high level of Chakra Control

Name: Nehan Shouja no Jutsu - Temple of Nirvana Technique
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 300
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)

Description: Nehan Shouja no Jutsu is a Genjutsu technique that allows the caster to place a large body of people into an unconscious state. During this Genjutsu, white feathers will appear all around, falling slowly through the air as the victims nod into a deep slumber
The target can avoid the spell by forming and using the dispel skill.
Limit: Must have a Very high level of Chakra Control

Name: Shikumi no Jutsu - Death Viewing Technique
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 300
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)

Description: Shikumi no Jutsu is a technique used to completely stun an opponent. If the target looks into the eyes of the user, their mind is suddenly inflicted with intense visions of their own brutal killing. This results in their body going into shock and being unable to move. If the target can physically injure their own body, the pain can be enough to end the paralysis.
Weaknesses: Target must look into the user's eyes.
Limit: Must have a Very high level of Chakra Control

Last edited by Hansoui Shinto on Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:30 pm; edited 5 times in total
Hansoui Shinto
Hansoui Shinto
Academy Student
Academy Student

Male Number of posts : 50
Age : 34
Location : Standing here, Wishing i was with her
Registration date : 2009-01-13

Character sheet
Character Name: Hansoui Shinto
Rank: Academy Student
Jutsu Training Points: 0

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Jutsu-preexisting-Genjutsu Empty Re: Jutsu-preexisting-Genjutsu

Post  Hansoui Shinto Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:52 pm

S-Rank Genjutsu

Name: Hana Urame- Flower Backfire
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary Counter
Chakra: Equal to the Genjutsu dispelled + 20%
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)

Description: If the user becomes trapped in a Genjutsu or wants to appear to be trapped the user can disperse into a shower of flower petals. With this technique these petals will fly around and consume the targets, dissolving their bodies away.
This skill is used as a countermeasure to Genjutsu cast upon the user. The user must be aware of the Genjutsu and must be trapped inside it first, the opponent must be close by when this technique is used. However this technique counters the works of any existing Genjutsu and automatically traps their opponent in their own Genjutsu.
The user must be close in mental ability compared to the attacker. This technique can also be countered and a back and fourth battle is more than possible if both sides possess this Jutsu. However somebody's Chakra is bound to run out sooner or later. as the cost for each follow up counter will increase by 20% Chakra.
Weaknesses: against a skilled opponent, this technique can become exhausting in a counter battle
Limit: Must have an Exceptional level of Chakra control

Name Tsukuyomai- God of the Moon
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Chakra: 450
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)

Description:Tsukuyomi is the ability to control the virtual world and inflict pain to their opponent. This is a special doujutsu which uses the Mangekyou Sharingan. Whoever looks into the user's eyes will be under their control and see an illusion. The user is able to control time and space as they please in this illusion. One day in the virtual world is equivalent to a couple of minutes in the real world. Only a Sharingan user is able to fight the illusion. A non-Sharingan user will usually die instantly.
Weaknesses: This Jutsu extracts a vast amount of Chakra and stamina from the user
Limit: Uchiha Clan. Must have an Exceptional level of Chakra control

Last edited by Hansoui Shinto on Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:49 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : spelling errors. xp)
Hansoui Shinto
Hansoui Shinto
Academy Student
Academy Student

Male Number of posts : 50
Age : 34
Location : Standing here, Wishing i was with her
Registration date : 2009-01-13

Character sheet
Character Name: Hansoui Shinto
Rank: Academy Student
Jutsu Training Points: 0

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