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Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu

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Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu Empty Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu

Post  Kaizen Toskimo Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:35 pm

Name: Razor Shackles
Classification: Genjutsu
Rank : B
Type: Attack
Chakra: 40
Range: Close
Description: Kaizen focuses his chakra on his hands, where he touches the opponent, they instantly feel like needles are proding into their skin. This can cause them to exert more chakra during jutsu's then normal, or to comopletly imobalize them if they do not have a strong mind.
Weaknesses: Must be touched for the jutsu to be effective, also is easily dispelled.

Name: Speed Amplification
Classification: Ninjutsu / Taijutsu
Rank : C
Chakra: Depending Upon how much of a speed increase is used, anywhere from 5-60
Range: Used on Himself
Description: Kaizen uses his chakra to increase his speed by up to ten fold.
Weaknesses: As long as it is avtive it will always reduce his maximum chakra by the amount in use.

More to come

Last edited by Kaizen Toskimo on Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
Kaizen Toskimo
Kaizen Toskimo
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Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu Empty Re: Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu

Post  Reidokiri Jin Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:45 pm

I must say Kaizen I rather like your style. The speed amplification should be fun to deal with should ever we come face to face in battle.
Reidokiri Jin
Reidokiri Jin
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Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu Empty Re: Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu

Post  Kaizen Toskimo Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:50 pm

Why thank you.
Kaizen Toskimo
Kaizen Toskimo
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Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu Empty Re: Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu

Post  Reidokiri Jin Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:56 pm

No thanks necessary;
I only speak what I believe.
Though I don't always know what I speak.
Therefore I rarely know what believe...
Reidokiri Jin
Reidokiri Jin
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Male Number of posts : 102
Age : 34
Location : ~The other end of the sword piercing thine blackened heart.
Registration date : 2009-01-11

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Character Name: Reidokiri Jin
Rank: Academy student
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Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu Empty Re: Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu

Post  Kaizen Toskimo Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:53 am

Name: Water Funnel
Classification: Ninjutsu
Chakra: 70
Rank : B
Range: 5-50 Yards
Description: The user focuses all his chakra to his hands, forming two symbols. The Monkey and Snake. Then when that is done release the chakra and sends in in a shockwave infront of him, this will hit all the water around the user which in turn will allow the user's chakra to be used to shape the water into a giant funnel shape, the point of which is facing the target. The user then repeats his movements in a quick succesion, then holds the funnel with his/her chakra. The longer the jutsu is held the more powerful each "spike/bullet" it will shoot will be. The effect from getting hit by this jutsu is momentary paralisis, and that results in (if the opponent is using a jutsu) the opponents jutsu being disrupted. (Extra information to get a better grasp of how this jutsu works) When the user has sent out the shockwave, then they will repeate the Monkey and Snake symbols, this will allow them to keep the funnel under control and the very point of the vortex will be facing and following the opponent. Then when the user pushes their hands outward, the funnel will send a giant water "spike" at the target.
Weaknesses: This jutsu takes the full attention of the user. Sparing only enough to keep his attention on 1 person. Thus weaking his back and flanks. The jutsu also requires a quick second use to control the funnel, after the first shockwave, if the user is hit during this time the jutsu is disrupted and the user will have to start over agian.

Name: Earth Style: Komoto Defense
Classification: Ninjutsu
Chakra: 80
Rank : C
Range: 0-10 yards
Description: The user focuses his chakra into his hands (see a patern here yet?) and pushes down onto the ground, sending a small chakra shockwave into the earth, loseing it, then when the user focuses his chakra and makes the Dragon symbol with his hands, a small dome of earth rises over the user, protecting him and giving his preciouse time to regain their health, catch their breath, cast a jutsu. This skill is useable on other people to protect them or trap them.
Weaknesses: Though the dome looks like it is impenatrable, a good many things can get through it. Any C rank Lighting, or Water jutsu can cut through the dome and hit the user. With reduced damage of course. This jutsu takes an enourmes amount of chakra to pull off, leaving much less for other jutsu. This jutsu can only be used roughly 2 times in the same area, or the user risks causing a chasm to open up beneath their feet, thus killing them.

Anyone see a patern with my focusing chakra to hands?

Last edited by Kaizen Toskimo on Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kaizen Toskimo
Kaizen Toskimo
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Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu Empty Re: Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu

Post  Hansoui Shinto Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:23 am

Hey kaizen ^_^
I think you can probably lower the rank fo those two Jutsu safely, they do not seem to justify the high ranks, i'd lower them each one rank.
Also the description on Water funnel is not very clear, maybe you should reword it?
Hansoui Shinto
Hansoui Shinto
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Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu Empty Re: Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu

Post  Reidokiri Jin Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:51 am

I am forced to agree with Hansoui on both regards. While your techniques do indeed sound fairly venerable they don't quite seem to offer up the necessary capabilities befitting their rank... though I may be wrong about the water funnel, I'd ask that you reword it as well. I think I kind of understand what you meant to say but as a whole it's a tad off my friend.
Reidokiri Jin
Reidokiri Jin
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Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu Empty Re: Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu

Post  Reidokiri Jin Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:42 pm

"Alright, I do believe I get it now. Generally speaking what you have going is like a cannon... The water masses up in front of you in a funnel shape and with each repetitive run-through of the katas and strike it will build up chakra and water to release a burst attack. Right?"
Reidokiri Jin
Reidokiri Jin
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Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu Empty Re: Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu

Post  Kaizen Toskimo Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:43 pm

Kaizen Toskimo
Kaizen Toskimo
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Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu Empty Re: Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu

Post  Reidokiri Jin Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:53 pm

It has come to my attention that in your speed amp jutsu you seem to have made a small error; leaving out the jutsu's rank. Though you certainly do have the word rank it is followed swiftly with the chakra amt. The 'chakra' category is not there.
Reidokiri Jin
Reidokiri Jin
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Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu Empty Re: Kaizen Toskimo's Custom Jutsu

Post  Hansoui Shinto Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:53 pm

I'd approve water funnel and komoto defence. ^_^ Thanks for clearing it up
Hansoui Shinto
Hansoui Shinto
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