Shinobi: Kurokakumei
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Please Read before Fighting in the Dojo

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Please Read before Fighting in the Dojo Empty Please Read before Fighting in the Dojo

Post  Kaizen Toskimo Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:26 am

Kaizen Toskimo looked up at the dojo, it felt amazing to be standing next to it, knowing how many ninja before him have come to train and hone their skills here. He walked quickly up the hill closer to the dojo, itself and went up to the wall, where there was a peice of paper. It was starting to fall off of the building, but it was still able to be read.

Rules of the Dojo
1. Respect the Dojo, Do not come in if your intentions are not to train.
2. Respect your opponent, do not boast if you win. It makes you look like a child.
3. Large weapons are to be left with the Dojo Master before entering the Dojo.
4. Before fighting, make sure you and your opponent are ready, any cheating will result in punishment.
5. If you and your opponent wish to fight with "Special" rules in place for your match. Have the Dojo master present at the time when you decide what those rules shall be, as to avoid complication and misunderstanding.

Kaizen read the rules agian. "Do not enter the Dojo if you do not intend to train..." Kaizen mumbled to himself. "Well I just wanted to see the inside of it, not train... I don't think any of the academy students would want to come to the Dojo..." He said. Kaizen sighed softly and walked back down the hill into the Village.

OOC: Okay, that was a post of the rules. Please make sure you actually do these. Dont make a post on the Dojo section and leave it sit for a week. That just takes up space and time from the Admins, Kages, and Anbu to delete it.

Also please keep in mind that the Dojo Master will be played by either an Admin, Kage, or Anbu, just like the squad leaders and instructors will be played by an Admin, Kage, or Anbu. This might or might not change as the story progresses.

Enjoy your training!
Kaizen Toskimo
Kaizen Toskimo
Academy Student
Academy Student

Male Number of posts : 42
Age : 36
Location : USA
Registration date : 2009-01-10

Character sheet
Character Name: Kaizen Toskimo
Rank: Academy Student
Jutsu Training Points: 0

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